Monday, October 09, 2006


Helen Hunt is upstairs.

She is sitting on a director's chair next to a big camera that is blocking my way to the bathroom.
It would make a great story: I peed my pants because of Helen Hunt.

But it would be terrible if it actually happened, all the more so because I'm wearing a skirt.

Actually I think as celebrities go, Helen Hunt would be an appropriate one in front of which to pee your pants. Maybe because I still think of her as Jamie from "Mad About You" and you can imagine that being a storyline on the show, or at least on "Seinfeld," which was also on NBC and to which "Mad About You" was a precursor.
Lisa Kudrow appeared on "Mad About You" as the ditzy waitress Ursala, who later reappeared as Phoebe's estranged twin sister on "Friends," which was on Must See TV Thursdays along with Seinfeld.
Anyway, Helen Hunt is the kind of celebrity you can still think of as a real person, not so outrageously famous or gorgeous to make her seem otherworldly.

I would hate to pee myself in front of Uma Thurman, for example.
Although I hear that she is actually a very nice woman who attends her children's school functions and interacts with the other parents.

Oftentimes actors are smaller in person than they are onscreen, but Helen Hunt is taller than I expected. I didn't get close enough to make any other acute observations about weight (she was wearing a long cardigan that made it hard to tell) oldness or plastic surgery or even demeanor. I heard her say, to unknown listener, "I'm so glad you're here," so at least she tries to be nice and gracious.

Update: I went back upstairs and was able to use the bathroom. H.H. was rehearsing a scene, now sweaterless, and I observed that she is indeed very thin, but not a small person overall, and from a distance of about 15-20 feet she looked very young, but that was based more on her outfit than on her face, which I still did not get a good look at. My coworker, Rachel, informed that up close H.H. looked old and drawn. She went so far as to say I was lucky not to have gotten a good look because I might have turned to stone.

Rachel has a flair for the dramatic.

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