Thursday, January 25, 2007

Caffeine is good for me!

I knew it, and now it's been proven by scientific research. Two recent articles applaud coffee as: 1. Making you smarter, 2. Easing muscle soreness after a hard workout (I've also heard that having caffeine before a workout aids in burning fat, but the article didn't mention it), and 3. possibly even helping to prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, as well as liver damage, gallstones and depression.

Oh, caffeine, I love you so! And now I don't have to be ashamed of it.

How funny that caffeine might prevent depression. Seems logical enough but is it just a coverup? Like they say that men don't suffer from depression as much as women because instead they drown their sorrows in drink and become alcoholics. So does coffee prevent depression, or do depressives just drink more coffee and then feel less depressed? Hmm...

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